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Farmland abandonment and the decline of livestock activity in the Mediterranean mountains have resulted in dramatic landscape changes, including the generalized expansion of shrublands and forests, and the homogenization of the old cultural landscapes. This process has a variety of consequences from ecological, geomorphological and hydrological points of view, as well as from the perspectives of land management and public awareness. An intense debate currently surrounds the discussion and evaluation of rewilding (the process of passively allowing woody encroachment, as well as the reintroduction of large mammals) as an opportunity for enhancing biodiversity and restoring original landscapes after centuries of human activity versus ecological restoration (activities leading to the recovery of degraded ecosystems, including clearing and light human activity). There is no clear consensus regarding the best way to improve the ecological relationships and functioning within an ecosystem. Biodiversity and sustainability can be seen under different levels of human pressure and landscape transformation; total farmland abandonment is not always the best alternative, particularly when local inhabitants aim to sustain themselves using local resources. Many geographers and ecologists consider that extensive stockbreeding in a partially open landscape is a rational way to (i) improve landscape organization, (ii) increase flows and turnover within the ecosystems, (iii) increase the diversity of plants and animals that benefit from a relatively light human presence, and (iv) reduce wildfire risk. However, it has proven challenging for land managers and stockbreeders to clear the best old abandoned fields and “construct” a sustainable, balanced landscape that combines forests, shrublands and open lands. Private landowner involvement and support from the general public is crucial for both funding and the long-term maintenance of benefits. The best old fields should be cleared in the context of high-resolution knowledge of the topography, grassland characteristics, grassland cycles and livestock management. Such efforts are likely to be an excellent opportunity to introduce compatibility between light human activity and increases in biodiversity and sustainability for many marginal mountains, where land abandonment and general forest/shrub recovery are the inevitable tendencies. This paper examines some of the contrasting positions of the scientific community regarding the rewilding or ecological restoration of mountain landscapes, and briefly highlights some experiences in which intentional clearing of old abandoned fields has benefited stockbreeding, biodiversity, runoff generation and wildfire risks. Notably, we describe a sub-Mediterranean valley of the Iberian Range, Northern Spain, as an example. In the long term, we find that the intentional clearing of the best old fields allows the slow organization of a final landscape that will be more useful for local inhabitants, thereby helping to reverse human depopulation in these regions.  相似文献   
建设高端科技创新智库是中国科协走中国特色群团发展道路的重大举措,对中国科协建设高端科技创新智库面临的内外环境进行分析具有重要的现实意义。本文采用SWOT分析法对中国科协建设高端科技创新智库面临的优势、劣势、机遇和挑战进行分析,研究结果表明:中国科协在组织网络、科技工作者状况调查、民间科技外交、智库成果宣传等方面具有自身优势,但同时也存在着智库网络未充分发挥作用、人才队伍结构有待完善、体制机制障碍、智库成果水平有待提升等劣势。深度参与全球科技治理、深化科技体制改革、科协事业转型升级、大数据技术发展是中国科协面临的机遇;国际竞争格局剧烈变动、全球科技治理领域话语权有限、国内外科技智库发展迅速是中国科协建设高端科技创新智库需要应对的挑战。  相似文献   
本文根据免费开放科技馆的功能属性,确定了科技馆免费开放评估指标体系的构建原则,考虑不同角度评估工作的重点,设计了适应不同主体和要求的科技馆免费开放评估指标体系,包括免费开放科技馆自评估指标体系、各级科协主管部门自评估指标体系和科技馆免费开放第三方评估指标体系,最后对主要指标和考察要点进行了总结说明。本文的研究成果,可以为免费开放科技馆和科协主管部门开展自评估以及第三方评估提供标准和依据,规范免费开放科技馆的评估和运行管理,为中国特色现代科技馆体系建设提供支持,为科技馆事业的可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   
科学普及是实现国家创新发展的两翼之一,是提升全民科学文化素质的重要工作。针对新时代中,公众对科普服务的多元化需要,分析论述作为自然科学之一的天文学具有天然的艺术美属性,具备很强的科学与艺术相结合开展科普工作的基础。同时,从天文观测与暗夜的密切关系出发,论述了在“我们应该追求人与自然和谐”的科学环保观的理念下,将暗夜星空保护融入天文科普中的必要性,分享了北京天文馆将天文之美、暗夜保护等内容融入天文知识传播中的科普实践工作案例,得出了开展科学、艺术、环保融合理念下的天文科普工作符合公众和时代需求的结论。  相似文献   
This article seeks to undertake a critical assessment of the changing position of public science in the entrepreneurial ecosystem of the countries on the periphery of European research. These countries are driven by new innovation paradigm based on entrepreneurship, which are implemented within the European Smart specialization strategy (S3). This article argues that S3 is widely implemented in the cohesion countries and, while it provides substantial resources for science, technology, and innovation, it fails to provide sustainability in the public research sector. This has direct implications for policies concerning innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystems. In order to prove the thesis, the article provides theoretical argumentation for emergence of a new innovation paradigm, driven by the rise of the entrepreneurial ecosystem, its incorporation into S3, and a consequent retreat of science policy in favor of entrepreneurial policy. The empirical analysis is focused on the funding trends seen in the business and public research sectors over the last decade (2008–2017), which have clearly shown that S3 has not contributed, despite expectations, to an increase in public expenditure for science. This signifies S3's neglect of public research within entrepreneurial ecosystems and challenges the ability of S3 to reduce wide disparities in research and innovation performance across the European Union. This ultimately endangers the innovation potential of the entrepreneurial ecosystem itself.  相似文献   
以“PlanT”康复花园的场所设计及志愿者参与性活 动设计为疗愈方法,通过循证实验设计,采用中医体质量表评 价健康增益。研究结果表明:其花园参与性设计对志愿者有不 同的健康增益效果。26.67%的志愿者在参与活动后,曾由偏 颇体质转为平和体质,其中有16.67%转为平和体质并持续到 活动结束。活动结束时,在各体质的亚量表中,志愿者平和质 得分显著高于活动前,8种偏颇体质得分整体均有下降,其中5 种与活动前得分有极显著差异,2种有显著差异。调查问卷结果 表明:志愿者主观认为康复花园参与性设计对健康有明显增益 作用。选择9月采集中医体质量表数据,将实验组与对照组进行 对比,得到实验组转为平和质的人数较对照组高14%,实验组 中有2种体质在活动前后的亚量表分数有显著差异,对照组均无 显著差异。研究表明,康复花园参与性设计对本案例45~70岁 人群的健康增益有效。  相似文献   
城市化进程加快导致城市热岛效应问题日益突出, 公园绿地在降温方面具有重要作用,如何通过公园绿地布局以 减缓热岛效应是当前值得思考的问题。以福州市主城区为研究 区,利用辐射传输方程和泰森多边形分析城市热岛情况及公园 绿地布局现状,采用P-中值模型结合城市用地规划确定公园 绿地布局优化方案,结果表明:1)福州市主城区的整体温度偏 高,其热岛范围达城市总面积的11.78%;2)共提取福州市主 城区公园绿地47个,总面积为11.11km2,占主城区总面积 的4.47%,公园绿地布局总体不能满足人们的需要;3)利用 P-中值模型对公园绿地供需情况进行分析,得出18个公园绿 地需要优化,其中包括福州动物园、环南公园等12个一级优化 公园绿地,以及屏山公园、琴亭湖公园等6个二级优化公园绿 地;4)结合福州市中心城区用地规划,得到50个潜在公园绿 地建设点,主要集中于城门镇、盖山镇及新店镇。  相似文献   
俄罗斯博物馆保护区兼顾有形与无形文化遗产保护的综合管理,关注人文环境与自然环境的整体保护问题。通过对俄罗斯文化遗产保护体系的梳理,基于博物馆保护区在俄罗斯文化遗产保护体系中的地位,对俄罗斯博物馆保护区的基本概念、分布特征、保护区划和基本分类等内容进行研究。最后,从整合机制和管理机构设置两方面分析中国历史文化街区保护存在的问题,提出作为文化机构的博物馆保护区制度,将为完善中国历史文化街区的保护制度提供必要的借鉴和启示。  相似文献   
科技创新是立国之本、强国之路。政府在不同阶段制定相应的科技政策,以求持续激励企业参与创新活动、提高企业核心竞争力、促进产业结构转型升级。基于广东省2005-2017年上市公司数据,采用计数模型实证分析了地级市政府科技政策对企业创新的影响及作用机制。研究表明:科技政策力度越大,越能提高企业的创新水平;科技政策的激励作用主要通过研发强度这一中介变量产生;科技政策不仅能促进企业的策略性创新行为,同时也会导致企业的实质性创新行为;直接激励类型的政策对企业创新并无显著影响,而营造创新氛围的间接激励类型政策则对企业创新有着显著的正向影响;政策激励对非国有企业、非高科技企业的正向作用更加明显。  相似文献   
新农科建设是新农业新乡村新农民新生态建设的必然要求,顺应了新时代社会的发展规律,致力于培养爱农业、懂技术、善经营的高水平实用技能型卓越农林新人才。"新农科"建设宣言的提出对高等院校涉农专业人才的培养提出了更高的期许和要求。目前江西高校存在涉农专业人才数量紧缺且离农化趋势严重,涉农专业精品课程少、设置不够合理,涉农专业人才培养结构与行业需求脱轨,科研成果转化率不高的问题。本文从新农科建设的角度出发,针对江西高校在涉农专业人才培养过程中出现的问题提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   
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